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[Education and degrees]
Full name : Lyakhov Andrey Igorevich
Date of birth : 1959, December 10
Place of birth : Moscow, Russia
Marital status : Married, daughter, son
Electronic mail : lyakhov@iitp.ru
Address (off.): B. Karetny per. 19, Moscow, 127994, Russia
Phone (off.): (7 495) 650 36 17
Fax: (7 495) 650 05 79
Languages spoken : Russian, English
Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences
1996 - Doctoral Degree in Computer Science
1989 - Candidate Degree in Computer Science
Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute
1983 - M. Sc. in Computer Science
International Science Foundation (ISF, Soros Foundation) Scientist Award, 1993
State fellowships for outstanding scientists, Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 1994-1999
Honor fellowship for outstanding scientists, Russian Science Support Foundation, 2004-2005
Selected for Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 9th Edition, 2006-2007. See Marquis Who's Who
2000 - up to now
Place : Network Protocols Research Laboratory, Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences
Position : Leading researcher till 2007, Head of laboratory from 2007
Activity in a whole : analytical study and simulation of wireless networks, their parameters optimization, MAC protocols R&D
Main projects :
Moscow cellular 802.11-based MAN Radionet; 2000-2003; performance evaluation and optimization
Bilateral Italian-Russian NATO Grant “Wireless Access to Internet exploiting the IEEE 802.11 technology”; 2001-2002; principal investigator
Joint research projects with Panasonic Princeton Laboratory (USA): (A) WiMedia MAC layer enhancements (2004);
(B) MAC layer mechanisms for mm-wave WPAN (2005); principal investigator
Joint research projects with LG Electronics (Korea): (A) Reliable Multicast in IEEE 802.11 (2006);
(B) Enhancements for DLS and AV transmission support in IEEE 802.11 (2007); principal investigator
FP7 ICT collaborative project FLAVIA "Flexible Architecture for Virtualizable wireless future Internet Access"
(2010-2012); project leader from Russian side
1988 - 1999
Place : Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences
Positions : researcher, senior researcher, leading researcher
Activity : Analytical modeling of distributed computer and communication systems,
such as multiprocessors and various kinds of wired networks
Main projects (in cooperation with the LVS corporation) : (A) Heterogeneous LAN of Russian State Duma (Parliament);
(B) Multisegment Ethernet LAN of Russian Central Telegraph office
1994 - 1994
Place : Computer Systems Research Institute, University of Toronto, Canada
Position : visiting professor
Activity : Performance evaluation of different access strategies for the distributed memory subsystem
Project : Hector multiprocessor
1983 - 1987
Place : Scientific and Research Center of Computers, Moscow, USSR
Position : engineer
Activity : Optimization of cache memory for multiprocessors
Project : Design and development of ES computers being IBM-like mainframes
Educational and Public activity
2000 - up to now
Member of the Dissertation Councils (scientific degree's qualification boards)
at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems and at the Moscow State Aviation
Institute (University of Aerospace Technology) .
Professor in Moscow Physics & Technology Institute
Member of "Automation & Remote Control" and "Informatics Problems" journal editorial boards
Member of technical and program committees of large IT conferences:
(Networking’2002, ICC’2003, MobiHoc’2002, MASS’2004, etc.), co-chair of MACOM'2010 TPC
Referee for several journals on networking and communication systems
(IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, International Journal of Communication Systems, ACM SIGMOBILE, ETRI, Automation and Remote Control etc.)
Supervisor of students and PhD students
The last update of this page: January 2011